Demonstrate a critical understanding of Gender in the arena of health: Social Care and Health Studies Essay, UOG, UK
University | University of Greenwich (UOG) |
Subject | Social Care and Health Studies |
- LO1: To demonstrate a critical understanding of Gender in the arena of health
- LO2: To critically analyze two different health topics harnessing a suitable Gender or Sex Role theory
- LO3: Author a personal reflective account of a learning experience
Critically analyze two different health topics by applying a gender perspective. The chosen gender theory for each health topic must be explained. If appropriate, you can apply the same theory to the two different health topics.
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Produce a reflective account related to 6HL001 material by applying a suitable reflective model. The first section of the essay will outline a health issue linked with gender. You will then outline & critically discuss one theory and show how this can enhance our understanding of the chosen health topic.
The second section of the essay will outline a different health issue linked with gender and outline & critically discuss one theory again showing how this can enhance our understanding of the chosen health topic. To address learning outcome three and the reflective journal element of the marking criteria you will write a reflective summary reviewing the thoughts, opinions, and feelings experienced throughout the module.
An academic model of reflection (Kolb or Gibbs) must be incorporated within this summary. The reflection will be incorporated into a one-word document following the coursework above. In order to complete this section, you will need to record your views weekly after each lecture. It is hoped your initial views will develop over the course of the module.
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