Demonstration Of Analytical Skills Of Working With Data And Problem-Solving: Risk Management In A Global Context Assignment, CU, UK

University Conventry University
Subject Risk Management In A Global Context


1. Demonstration of analytical skills of working with data and problem-solving.

2. Evidence of critical approach in your writing.

3. Evidence of skillful and critical application of the theoretical models/concepts to address the assessment task.

4. The synthesis between academic concepts and the case study so as to provide a coherent and integrated narrative throughout the report.

5. Integration of ideas and practice in a cross-disciplinary manner (for example, drawing upon; Business Continuity, Crisis Management well as, Risk Management)

6. Use of a wide range of credible academic and professional sources to develop arguments;

7. Evidence of wider reading.

8. Use of relevant and up-to-date information on the chosen company.

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