Describe What is the strength? How do you know it’s a strength? What do you do well in this technical/tactical demand: BTEC Sport Assignment, UK

Strength 1 Pass:

Describe What is the strength? How do you know it’s a strength? What do you do well in this technical/tactical demand?

Merit: Explain Why is this one of your strengths? Give examples of your use in the game. How did this improve your team/your performance?

Distinction: Analyse Linking to your answer to: ‘What do you do well’ Analyse how your superior technique/tactical knowledge benefits your performance in the game over the opposition?

Linking to your answer to: ‘What do you do well’ Analyse how your superior technique/tactical knowledge gives your team an advantage? Linking to your examples in the question ‘Why is this one of your strengths’ how did your strength mean you were successful in these situations? Does this strength link to any of your other strengths? If so, explain why this link has helped this to be a strength.

Strength 2 Pass: Describe What is the strength? How do you know it’s a strength? What do you do well in this technical/tactical demand?

Merit: Explain Why is this one of your strengths? Give examples of your use in the game. How did this improve your team/your performance?

Distinction: Analyse Linking to your answer to: ‘What do you do well’ Analyse how your superior technique/tactical knowledge benefits your performance in the game over the opposition?

Linking to your answer to: ‘What do you do well’ Analyse how your superior technique/tactical knowledge gives your team an advantage? Linking to your examples in the question ‘Why is this one of your strengths’ how did your strength mean you were successful in these situations? Does this strength link to any of your other strengths? If so, explain why this link has helped this to be a strength.

Strength 3 Pass: Describe What is the strength? How do you know it’s a strength? What do you do well in this technical/tactical demand?

Merit: Explain Why is this one of your strengths? Give examples of your use in the game. How did this improve your team/your performance?

Distinction: Analyse Linking to your answer to: ‘What do you do well’ Analyse how your superior technique/tactical knowledge benefits your performance in the game over the opposition?

Linking to your answer to: ‘What do you do well’ Analyse how your superior technique/tactical knowledge gives your team an advantage? Linking to your examples in the question ‘Why is this one of your strengths’ how did your strength mean you were successful in these situations? Does this strength link to any of your other strengths? If so, explain why this link has helped this to be a strength.

Task 3 To make sure we hit the criteria for the assignment we need to fill in the tables below about each area for improvement, use the road maps at the top to help you compile your answers.

Area for Improvement 1 Pass: Describe What is the area for improvement? How do you know it’s an area for improvement? What do you do not do well in this technical/tactical demand?

Merit: Explain Why is this one of your areas for improvement? Give examples of your use in the game.

How did this affect your team/your performance? Can you suggest an activity/drill/training method to improve your area for improvement?

Distinction: Analyse Linking to your answer to: ‘What do you not do well’ Analyse how your technique/tactical knowledge inhibits your performance in the game over the opposition?

Linking to your answer to: ‘What do you not do well’ Analyse how your technique/tactical knowledge gives your opposition an advantage over you?

Linking to your examples in the question ‘Why is this one of your areas for improvement how did your area for improvement mean you were not successful in these situations? Does this area for improvement link to any of your other areas for improvement? If so, explain why this link has contributed to this being an area for improvement. Linking to your answer to the ‘activity/drill/training’ justify how the activity/drill/training method will improve your area for improvement.

Area for Improvement 2 Pass: Describe What is the area for improvement? How do you know it’s an area for improvement? What do you do not do well in this technical/tactical demand?

Merit: Explain Why is this one of your areas for improvement? Give examples of your use in the game. How did this affect your team/your performance? Can you suggest an activity/drill/training method to improve your area for improvement?

Distinction: Analyse Linking to your answer to: ‘What do you not do well’ Analyse how your technique/tactical knowledge inhibits your performance in the game over the opposition? Linking to your answer to: ‘What do you not do well’ Analyse how your technique/tactical knowledge gives your opposition an advantage over you? Linking to your examples in the question ‘Why is this one of your areas for improvement how did your area for improvement mean you were not successful in these situations? Does this area for improvement link to any of your other areas for improvement? If so, explain why this link has contributed to this being an area for improvement. Linking to your answer to the ‘activity/drill/training’ justify how the activity/drill/training method will improve your area for improvement.

Area for Improvement 3 Pass: Describe What is the area for improvement? How do you know it’s an area for improvement? What do you do not do well in this technical/tactical demand?

Merit: Explain Why is this one of your areas for improvement? Give examples of your use in the game. How did this affect your team/your performance? Can you suggest an activity/drill/training method to improve your area for improvement?

Distinction: Analyse Linking to your answer to: ‘What do you not do well’ Analyse how your technique/tactical knowledge inhibits your performance in the game over the opposition? Linking to your answer to: ‘What do you not do well’ Analyse how your technique/tactical knowledge gives your opposition an advantage over you?

Linking to your examples in the question ‘Why is this one of your areas for improvement’ how did your area for improvement mean you were not successful in these situations? Does this area for improvement link to any of your other areas for improvement?

If so, explain why this link has contributed to this being an area for improvement.

Linking to your answer to the ‘activity/drill/training’ justify how the activity/drill/training method will improve your area for improvement?

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