Describe your product. Describe the characteristics of the business that will manufacture and sell your product: ITB Assignment, UOL, UK

University University of London (UOL)
Subject ITB

Task 1: Describe your product. Describe the characteristics of the business that will manufacture and sell your product e.g. type of business and organisational structure, justifying your choices.

Task 2: Based on your environmental analysis, outline how you will respond to each opportunity and problem in the market to give your product the best chance of success against the competition. Justify your choices.

Task 3: Propose a means of producing your product. Outline how you would ensure its quality on a day by day basis and over time. Justify your choices.

Task 4: Outline a strategy for communicating and introducing these changes to minimise disruption in the business and handle any staff issues arising out of the planned changes. Justify your choices.

Task 5: Write a marketing plan for your product with particular reference to your SWOT analysis and your understanding of the target market. Outline your marketing goals e.g. sell X wits per month to Y customers, via Z channels. Decide your marketing mix and outline your tactics. Justify your choices.

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