Design and implement an object-oriented program describing two kinds of bank accounts: Software Engineering Course Work, UCLan, UK

University University Of Central Lancashire (UCLan)
Subject Software Engineering

Coursework Description

Design and implement an object-oriented program describing two kinds of bank accounts, FixedFee and ChargeableFee, that differ in the way that fees are charged:

  • FixedFee: There is a fixed E5.00 fee at the end of each month:-
  • ChargeableFee: Each withdrawal costs E0.50. The total fee is calculated and charged at the end of the month.

The goal of the problem is to use inheritance so as to avoid duplicating code between the two kinds of account classes. This can be done by arranging them in a hierarchy below a common abstract account class.

Besides designing and implementing the account classes, you should create two further classes containing main() methods. One of these should be an interactive application program acting like a Bank that allows the user to open an account, deposit and withdraw cash and see the monthly statement. User interaction can take place on the console, via pop-up windows, or using a full GUI. The other class should be a non-interactive test class that checks the functionality of the account classes. Both kinds of account classes should store the current balance and contain the following methods.

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