Determine the importance of safety and quality of care within healthcare, by looking at human factors that influence the quality: Adult Nursing Assignment, MUL, UK

University Middlesex University London (MUL)
Subject Adult Nursing

Determine the importance of safety and quality of care within healthcare, by looking at human factors that influence the quality and safety of care. These factors include decision making and leadership abilities of the individual, workplace culture, and safety culture. Continuing my professional development (CPD) by determining the skills and tools available to newly qualified nurses (NQN) as they deliver and promote safe, high-quality person-centered care.

Critically appraising the plan-do-study (PDSA) quality improvement method of addition parameters in comparison to the quality improvement model. As a final step, we will critically evaluate the surgical safety checklists formulated by the World Health Organization (WHO) (2010) underpinned by Ramsey et al, in terms of data collection, examining ethical considerations, measurable variables, and limitations that affect reliability.

In 2016, NHS England (Department of health 2021) formed the national safety board responsible for patient safety, which was later merged with NHS Improvement (2022). In collaboration with NICE, the NHS strives to standardize fair and equal healthcare for all people wishing to access the healthcare system (NHS, 2019). As well, the Care Quality Commission investigates and reviews the quality of care provided by local facing roles.

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The combined efforts of these national institutes are used to determine the safety and quality of healthcare by reviewing quantitative data. Based on qualitative patient feedback questionnaires, safe and high-quality care is measured at the local level by utilizing a person-centered approach (Lee et al, 2018; Considine and Currey, 2014). Upon concluding that the voice of the patient is heard at the local level, Hanefeld, et al., 2017 proposed that the quality of care is determined by the patient.

NQN’s responsibilities include ensuring that high-quality and safe care is provided and promoted in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council Code (NMC, 2018) and ensuring that patients’ perceptions of quality are accurately represented in quantitative data collection methods by the national institutes in order to provide accurate assessments of quality that can serve as a basis for justifying and identifying improvements (Janes and Delves, 2023).

In 2016, the WHO stated that human factors have a direct impact on providing high-quality and safe care and that three domains are involved; physical, cognitive, and organizational. The NHS (2013) further supports this by stating that acknowledging human factors and managing the limitations of healthcare providers can support high-quality care. Additionally, human factors have a direct impact on the behavior and choices of healthcare professionals when providing person-centered care. As a result of improving patient safety, there will ultimately be a reduction in medical errors, aligning with the core values of the NHS and the NMC (2018).

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