Develop a hypothetical case history based on the details given below (Refer to the assessment: special education Assignment, UON, UK

University University of Nottingham (UON)
Subject special education Assignment

1. Develop a hypothetical case history based on the details given below (Refer to the assessment format in the reference tab.) (He can identify alphabets and numbers from 1-50. He usually replies in one word. He still has a problem with his sitting habit…cannot sit for more than 15 minutes. His hand-flapping behavior distracts him a lot. Moreover, he bites his thumb for sensory needs and to express his aggression.

He identifies daily use objects and their functions. The toilet training is there but he still needs help to put on and pull off his pants, buttoning shirts, and holding pencils. Their social skills are extremely poor…he only answers to adults if asked questions…otherwise doesn’t take initiative in making any kind of communication. Peer relation is absent.)

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