Discuss the purpose, benefits, resource implications, communications, working practice, commercial opportunity: Networking Assignment, UOS, UK

University University of Southampton (UOS)
Subject Networking Assignment

1. Introduction

An introduction to provide an overview of your report.

2. Purpose of Networks
Role of networks:

Discuss the purpose, benefits, resource implications, communications, working practice, commercial opportunity, information sharing and collaboration aspects of a computer network.

The role of networking

Network types:

Explain types of networks and discuss the advantages and disadvantages for each network type.

System types:

Explain different system types and discuss the benefits and constraints for each.

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Explain in detail each of the topologies listed with diagrams. Logical e.g. Ethernet, Token Ring; physical e.g. star, ring, bus, mesh, ring. Explain Access methods CSMA\CD, CSMA\CA and Token Passing.

Network topologies can be either physical or they can be logical. Physical topology is the layout of nodes, workstations, and cables in the network. Logical topology is how the information flows through the different components.

Bus – the Bus topology is used for local area networks (LAN). This topology is where all computers are connected by a single cable. TCP/IP is used in Bus topology to transmit data along the backbone. The backbone is a single cable which connects all the computers on the network together and is relatively easy to set up this kind of topology as it requires very little cabling and work. The backbone or the cable is a single segment which handles its own data collision. If the segment fails all network transmissions will fail.

Advantages of bus

  • it is cost effective
  • Cable required is least compared to another network topology.
  • it is easy to understand.
  • Easy to expand joining two cables together


  • If cables fail, then whole network fails.
  • If network traffic is heavy or nodes are more the performance of the network decreases.
  • Cable has a limited length.

•           It is slower than the ring topology.

A star topology all nodes are individually connected to a central connection point, like a hub or a switch. A star takes more cable than e.g., a bus, but the benefit is that if a cable fails, only one node will be brought down. If the hub or switch, fails, nodes attached are disabled. More expensive than linear bus topologies because of the cost of the switches, hubs, etc.

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