How effective are Educational Interventions in increasing awareness and knowledge about prostate Cancer amongst Black men Dissertation, UK
Learning Outcomes:
- LO1: Critically consider the research process, including the examination of qualitative and quantitative approaches.
- LO2: Critically consider methodology and approaches used to investigate health and social care.
- LO3: Critically review and evaluate the relevant literature.
- LO4: Demonstrate consideration of ethical issues.
- LO5: Demonstrate understanding of the research planning process.
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Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) Applications in this Assessment
- AI Status: Application Notes Category A
- No GAI tool is permitted. While grammar and/or spell checkers may be used to correct individual words and sentences, the use of GAI is not allowed.
- This is because the learning outcomes require you to produce original assessment work without any GAI assistance.
- Any GAI-generated content which is presented as your own original work and is not acknowledged will be assessed for academic misconduct.
Assignment Brief:
- The assignment is a research proposal, written in a report format which will be used in preparation for your dissertation.
- You are required to choose a topic of your interest.
- The topic chosen must be relevant for health and social care.
- There should be a clear rationale for the choice, with background detail, such as policy.
- You will show an overview of the literature you have searched, with an initial critical overview of findings, including consideration of further literature to be examined.
- The proposal should contain the following:
- Aims of the study / background or context of the study.
- An outline of choices of methodology and methods, including an overview of different approaches such as qualitative and quantitative.
- An outline of the literature review process and a brief account of the findings.
- An account of research ethics and its importance for health and social care.
- An appendix should be included which shows:
- A table with the literature reviewed.
- A completed ethics form.
- Any research tools / letters of consent.
- A plan of how you will use the time to complete your dissertation will also be beneficial.
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Declaration: At the end of the assessment, you should also include a declaration of any software tools, including Generative AI (GAI) applications that you used in developing and completing the assessment.
Secondary Research Level: HE6 – It is expected that the Reference List will contain more than thirty sources to include academic journals and academic books.
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