EG6026: Provide pavement design advice for a new highway to accomodate the anticipated traffic generated as result of the residential development: Transport Infrastructure Engineering Assignment, UOEL, UK

University University of East London (UOEL)
Subject EG6026: Transport Infrastructure Engineering

Project Brief

TransInfra Ventures have retained you as the lead consultant to advise on traffic and transportation issues relating to proposals for their new residential estate development in England. Specifically, you are required to:

1) Provide pavement design advice for a new highway to accomodate the anticipated traffic generated as result of the residential development development based on two proposed design options.
2) Assess the traffic impact of the proposal on the area, including an evaluation of the capacity of the existing priority T-junction to accommodate the generated traffic from the new development
3) Assess the pedestrian safety of the existing community near the proposed development and recommend appropriate mitigation measures.

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