Evaluate the impact of long-term social and demographic trends for work and employment: CIPD Level 7 Strategic People Management Assignment, UK

University Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Subject CIPD Level 7 Strategic People Management

Question 3
AC 1.3 Evaluate the impact of long-term social and demographic trends for work and employment.

Explain why the population in most countries is ageing rapidly. Illustrating your answer with examples, evaluate how this trend is creating challenges for people and professionals in organizations.

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Pointers for students:
Explain the first part of the answer. Use some statistical evidence from the world in general and your own country (UK) of the increase in population aging. Explain why this is the case with evidence such as increase in life expectancy (falling mortality rates) and the decrease in fertility.

What is happening in terms of your own organisation or one you are familiar with? Ensure that you apply this answer to your context as much as possible. If applicable, you may also want to discuss current topics in the news that may affect this such as the removal of the pension cap etc. Choose two challenges to critically evaluate in depth, which could include:
 Stereotyping of and attitudes towards older workers
 Early retirement
 Retaining older workers
 Attracting older workers to the industry or back into the industry
 Attraction methods used are excluding some older workers.
 Current job roles not suitably attractive to that demographic
 EVP that is targeted to older workers.
Explore and evaluate some possible solutions for the challenges you are facing such as:
 Increased flexibility

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 Expanding attraction methods
 Brand awareness and advertising for target market.
 Developing a workplace culture to increase respect and inclusivity, which could include a consideration of leadership and management styles.
 L&D initiatives to tackle discrimination and potential intergenerational conflict
 Tailoring job roles.
What best practice exists outside of the organisation to act as a comparison, including potential success factors?

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