Evaluate, using the results from safely conducted tests and an accredited data source, how the mechanical properties: BTEC Engineering Assignment, UOL, UK

University University of London (UOL)
Subject BTEC Engineering
  • Evaluate, using the results from safely conducted tests and an accredited data source, how the mechanical properties of processed and non-processed metallic materials affect their behavior and suitability for different realistic applications, justifying the validity of the test methods used.
  • Conduct destructive and non-destructive tests accurately on different non-processed and processed metallic samples.
  • Analyse, using the test results and an accredited data source, how the mechanical properties of metallic materials affect their behavior and suggest a realistic application.
  • Conduct destructive tests safely on different non-processed and processed metallic samples.
  • Conduct non-destructive tests safely on at least two non-processed and processed metallic samples.
  • Explain, using the test results, how the mechanical properties of metallic materials affect their behavior and suggest an application.

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