Evaluate ways to develop a culture that encourages all team members to take responsibility for the quality: L4 Lead Practitioner in Adult Care Course Work, LCU, UK

University Leeds City University (LCU)
Subject L4 Lead Practitioner in Adult Care Course Work


  1. Evaluate ways to develop a culture that encourages all team members to take responsibility for the quality, quality assurance, and quality improvement
  2. Explain the meaning of continuous improvement and how it relates to the manager role and the organization
  3. Analyze how continuous improvement relates to • a culture of trust that values the views of all • lessons learned from incidents, accidents, errors, and ‘near misses’ • responding to concerns, complaints, and whistle-blowing situations
  4. Explain how evidence for quality can be used to apply further quality improvement
  5. Explain how information can be collected and how it can be used to reflect, review and improve procedures  (include: how evidence can be collected to demonstrate quality and effectiveness including processes, practices, and protocols
  6. Explain how to plan for the successful implementation of improvements to the service
  7. Explain how to measure and evaluate the impact of changes made

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