Event Project Management Assignment, UOC, UK

University University Of Cambridge (UOC)
Subject Event Project Management Assignment


Event professionals face many challenges in the organization of an event.  When approached by a client, the remit may give you little more than the outline of the customer group and initial thoughts concerning the type of event to be held. Location decisions, suggested format/itinerary, and logistical and resource considerations present the events professional with a ‘spaghetti’ problem to unravel into a structured project plan. Development of creative solutions and proactive strategies appropriate to the nature of the event and the needs of stakeholders will therefore require initiative and intellectual dexterity.


As an independent event organizer within the West Midlands, you have been approached by a corporate client to assist in the planning and development of a Birmingham-based Regional Head Teachers Conference.

With appropriate and relevant links to theory, you are required to write a formal report which:

  1. Introduces the report – Word Count – 150 max
  2. Defines the event project and proposes the event’s objectives –  Word Count – 300 max
  3. Critically explores the anticipated needs of customers – Word Count – 450 max
  4. Uses a weighted criteria model/center of gravity method to identify a suitable event venue/location
  5. Justify your chosen event venue – Word Count 200 max
  6. Includes a detailed map of the locality (Ordnance Survey map of the area or similar preferred)
  7. Justify your chosen event location – Word Count – 200 max
  8. Evaluates the resource requirements – Word Count – 400 max
  9. Presents a suitable project management model (Gantt Chart) detailing the anticipated timeframe and anticipated planned scheduling of the event
  10.  Comment on the timeframe, schedule, and planning requirements of the event – Word Count – 200 max
  11. Offers reasoned conclusions and recommendations – Word Count – 300 max.

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