Examine a Briefcase Study Featuring a Potential Client and are Tasked with working Collaboratively to Meet that cClient’s Short- and Long-Term Investment Goals: Investment Assignment, UoB, UK

University University of Birmingham (UoB)
Subject Investment

Teams examine a briefcase study featuring a potential client and are tasked with working collaboratively to meet that client’s short- and long-term investment goals as they try to win his or her business.

Equipped with an approved stock list (a selection of domestic and international equities) and the Wharton Investment Simulator (WInS), which allows them to buy and sell stocks, over the course of 10 weeks students develop an investment strategy, analyze industries and companies, and build a portfolio using $100,000 in virtual cash.

Winners are selected on the strength and articulation of their team strategies, not on the growth of their portfolios, which is a key differentiator between this investment challenge and others. The sector you are responsible for is Health Care.

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