Explain how micro- and macroeconomics impact on the competitive: Business Finance and Economics Assignment, MMU, UK

University Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU)
Subject Business Finance and Economics

Assignment task

The assignment covers economic factors that determine the competitive environment of an organization. The assignment involves the role and importance of accounting and financial reporting in terms of planning, control and decision-making. In addition, this assignment requires a numerical element that offers a solution to a set of key financial ratios and demonstrates an understanding of these in terms of organisational performance.

The assignment must include relevant theories, concepts and formulas from which a solution will be offered.

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

  1. Explain how micro- and macroeconomics impact on the competitive environment of an organisation;
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of the role of accounting within the organisation with respect to both reporting and decision-making aspects;
  3. Explain the structure and terms used within the main financial statements;
  4. Interpret management accounting techniques for planning, control and decision-making within the organisation;
  5. Calculate the main accounting ratios and explain their significance in terms of organisational performance.

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