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Explain what is meant by restrictive practices, restraint, deprivation of liberty LZ, best-interest decisions: Healthcare Assignment, BCU, UK
University | Birmingham City University (BCU) |
Subject | Nursing |
2. Understand the use and impact of restrictive
2.1 Explain what is meant by
- restrictive practices
- restraint
- deprivation of liberty LZ
- best-interest decisions
2.2 Explain how restrictive practices, restraint, deprivation of liberty and best interest.
2.3 Analyse the legal and ethical considerations of restricting an individual’s rights and fridoms.
2.4 Explain own responsibilities in relation to restrictive practices and deprivations of liberty.
2.5 Analyse appropriate and proportionate responses to restrictions on an individual’s rights and freedoms.
2.6 Discuss the potential impacts of restrictive practices on individuals and others.
2.7 Explain how person-centred, outcomes-based practices can mitigate the use of restrictive practices.
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