Exploring the transcript provided a reconstruction of a plausible question guide that might have been used by the interviewer: Reserach Methods Assignment, UOL, UK

University University of London (UOL)
Subject Research methods

Part 1

Exploring the transcript provided a reconstruction of a plausible question guide that might have been used by the interviewer, Andrew Marr. Present this reconstructed interview guide as an appendix and discuss it briefly in your main report, showing the main themes.

The transcript is given by the authors, the BBC, as ‘uncorrected’. Listen to the actual interview as you read the transcript – can you find any mistakes or places where the exact wording might be questionable? Discuss this process and its implications for your own understanding of research practice.

Using appropriate research methods textbooks to guide you, take any section of the transcript as presented online (BBC, 2021), code it, and present an extract of this coding in an appendix. You should also add another appendix that presents a codebook &/or a diagram that shows how you analyzed grouped themes found within the whole interview. Briefly discuss the findings of your analysis of the interview in your main report (we suggest you use separate headings for any key themes you have identified).

Critically reflect and comment on the methods used by the BBC to conduct the interview and to create the original transcript. Discuss any difference in expectations between a research interview and a journalistic/media interview you may perceive. Comment on anything else that you feel might have been useful to ask.

Part 2

The discussion on CO2 emissions has been a key part of discussions at both International and National levels. The WorldOmeter website gives figures for 2016 CO2 emissions by country. Examine this data and look carefully at the source(s) of the information presented.

Use research methods textbooks to guide your work, perform an analysis of this data, and present and discuss your findings. Using SPSS  presents an analysis of the following.

Using descriptive statistics summarise and describe this data set. In doing so you should discuss the distribution of data the mean and standard deviation of the data, and any other descriptive statistics that you think are informative. Your presentation should make it clear you understand the meaning and use of these measures.

Part 3

Personal Reflection on your own learning and development of skills in research. Briefly reflect upon your own preferences in undertaking research. Discuss the development of skills in both areas and which you feel you may use in future dissertation work / for other studies.

General Communication skills and research writing (10%). Additional marks will be given here for overall written and graphical communication, including the presentation of thematic analysis and statistical analysis, the quality of the overall report, and the originality and maturity of arguments throughout.

Use of referencing to Research Methods and Design texts and academic articles to underpin the assignment (10%). Additional marks will be given for general evidence of wider reading, independent study, and reflection related to research methods and design along with skills in referencing

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