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Has used at least four of the seven marketing mix elements in its UK operations, to reinforce its positioning within the last three years: Principles of Marketing, DMU, UK
University | De Montfort University (DMU) |
Subject | Principles of Marketing |
- Has used at least four of the seven marketing mix elements in its UK operations, to reinforce its positioning within the last three years.
- Take pictures or use screenshots to evidence your findings. Make sure that any screenshots are within the last three years or you will lose marks. Also, ensure they are only UK-based.
- Reflect on the company and how they are positioned. You can write a few words on the segmentation bases they use, the parts of the segment they are targeting, and their probable positioning to illustrate this.
- Research any four of the marketing mix elements that are visible to the public and consider how they are used to reinforce/ underpin the company’s positioning. Choose four that you will write about and support with visual evidence.
- Submissions that put the P’s in a table were not as strong as others so this format is not recommended.
- Here are some questions you can ask yourself under each of the marketing mixes categorizes and remember to focus on four:
- Promotional mix and activity. This will likely be the most visible marketing mix element, and it is advised you include it in your assessment. Remember this is the only marketing mix tool with its own sub-group. You only need to include the ones you think are most important to the company, not all nine.
* Advertising
* Public Relations and Publicity
* Sales Promotion
* Events and experiences
* Direct Marketing
* Personal Selling
* Interactive Marketing
* Word of Mouth Marketing
* Social Media Marketing - Product- What are their products? How are they displayed? How is the branding used in the packaging? Is there evidence of the product life cycle or appeal to Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation segments?
- Place- Where are the products/ services accessed
- Price – What pricing strategies are they applying? How does this reflect their generic strategy?
- People- How are staff used in the business? What efforts do they make to create a community amongst customers?
- Physical evidence- How does the company demonstrate its existence? This is more relevant to service-based companies so bear that in mind. Areas such as logo, website, branding will be key here.
- Process- How many steps to contact/ purchase/ complaints are there? Is the process more complex than competitors, or less so?
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- Reflects strategic decisions and relevant taught theories in its marketing efforts.
- This is not a separate task so you must include theory in your research findings of each of the chosen four P’s. Your findings of the four selected P’s must not merely rely on the description. To increase marks you need to include how they reflect taught theory, strategy, and models.
- The best way to do this is to:
* Describe what you find.
* Analyse your findings
* Link your findings to taught theory/ strategy/ models.
- Does/ can evaluate the effectiveness of its marketing efforts.
- How does/ can the company measure effectiveness
- The content of your portfolio must display academic skill and integrity, appropriate to level five studies.
- Here you need to apply robust referencing, good grammar, and good layout.
- This will include labeling images with numbers that are referenced in your written content, the creative layout of images, no watermarks on images, Harvard referencing of images and written content, a good array of reference sources.
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