Have appropriate sources of evidence been drawn on regarding the importance of the issue: Essentials of Public Health and Health Improvement Assignment, UOB, UK

University University of Bristol (UOB)
Subject Essentials of Public Health and Health Improvement

Question 1

  • Have appropriate sources of evidence been drawn on regarding the importance of the issue?
  • Has the particular target population been considered explicitly?
  • Have a range of reasons been included?

Question 2

  • Has an appropriate theory or model been selected?
  • Has the student explained how the model or theory relates to this particular intervention?
  • Has understanding of the model or theory been demonstrated clearly?

Question 3

  • Is at least one strength and one limitation raised in relation to the selected theory or model?
  • Are the strengths and limitations of the theory/model considered in the context of this particular public health issue?

Question 4

  • Has the student correctly described the intervention as universal or targeted?
  • Has the student explained why this is the correct label?
  • Have both pros and cons of this approach been considered?
  • Have the pros and cons been considered explicitly in relation to this particular public health issue?

Question 5

  • Has the student correctly identified if the intervention is primary, secondary, and/or tertiary?
  • Has the student explained why they have selected the level or levels?

Question 6

  • Does the student consider plausible ways in which the intervention might both reduce and widen inequalities?
  • Do the suggestions demonstrate knowledge of common patterns of health inequalities, and understanding of how they might be created?

Question 7

  • Is knowledge of common routine data sources demonstrated?
  • Has the student selected routine data sources that capture appropriate outcomes?
  • Are the strengths and limitations of the suggested routine data sources in relation to this intervention clearly critiqued?

Question 8

  • Does the student consider at least one structural, cultural, political, and economic factor?
  • Does the student consider both facilitators and barriers for the intervention to be delivered successfully?

Question 9

  • Is knowledge of key ethical considerations within public health demonstrated?
  • Does the student apply key ethical considerations to the particular intervention?

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