HH5561 Health Economics and Decision Modelling Assignment, UOG, UK

University University of Glasgow (UOG)
Subject HH5561 Health Economics and Decision Modelling

The assignment involves analyzing a decision model provided in Excel worksheets. Key tasks include:

  1. Programming the Decision Model
    • Use the provided structure and data for a stylized testing intervention.
  2. Performing Sensitivity Analysis
    • Assess how different inputs influence the model’s outcomes.
  3. Reporting Results
    • Write a short report summarizing findings from the model and analysis.

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Submission Details

  • Report Word Limit: Up to 1,000 words, divided into:
    • Results (~800 words): Present base case results and sensitivity analysis.
    • Conclusions (~200 words): Provide decision-making insights based on the analysis.
    • References: Use Harvard Referencing Style consistently.
  • Formatting Guidelines:
    • Use clear headings, tables, and figures where necessary.
    • Ensure tables and figures contribute to the analysis and are legible.
    • Avoid redundant data in visual elements.

Worksheets Provided

  1. Introduction: Overview of assessment details.
  2. Conceptual Model: Diagram of a decision tree representing the model structure.
  3. Data: Input parameters for the model, including clinical, cost, and outcome details.

Decision Problem

  • Population: Patients admitted to hospital with suspected severe infection.
  • Intervention: Adding a test to the clinical pathway to guide antibiotic use.
  • Comparator: Existing clinical practice without the test.
  • Outcomes: Costs, Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs), incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER), and incremental monetary net benefit (INMB).

Model Summary

  • Structure: Decision tree.
  • Time Horizon: 12 months.
  • Perspective: Health care payer (Canadian dollars).
  • Follow-up Periods:
    • 1 Month: Assess outcomes post-hospital stay.
    • 12 Months: Evaluate infection resolution and symptoms.
  • Potential Patient States:
    • Alive (with/without complications).
    • Dead (with/without antibiotics)

Clinical Parameters


ParameterValue (Mean)Standard ErrorNotes
Baseline (current practice)0.150.021-month follow-up
RR (Testing strategy)0.90.03
Mortality after complications0.30.0612-month follow-up
Mortality (no complications)0.050.01
Baseline (current practice)0.250.04
RR (Testing strategy)0.750.12
Antibiotic Initiation
Baseline (current practice)0.850.07
RR (Testing strategy)0.650.09

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Cost Parameters (CAN $)


ParameterValue (Mean)Standard ErrorNotes
Testing Costs$250.00NA
Inpatient Stay (Complications)$17,500.00500At 1 month
Inpatient Stay (Patient Died)$12,500.00350At 1 month
Inpatient Stay (No Complications)$4,500.00300At 1 month

Outcome Parameters


ParameterValue (Mean)Standard ErrorNotes
Alive at 1 Month (QALY)0.1NA
Alive at 12 Months (QALY)0.75NA
QALY Decrement for Complications-0.05NA

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