HR9737: Self-awareness is the key to career success. Using a range of relevant literature (both academic and professional sources) : Leadership and Management, Assignment, NUN, UK

University Northumbria University Newcastle (NUN)
Subject HR9737: Leadership and Management

Part A–academic essay

Self-awareness is the key to career success. Using a range of relevant literature (both academic and professional sources), choose 2-3 of the core topics we have studied in this module and explore and critically evaluate why it is important for you to develop in these areas for your own successful career development.

You must include the following in your essay:

  • A definition of self-awareness and an explanation of why it is important to the development of your leadership and/or management capability.
  • Identify 2-3 of the core module topics from the following: giving and receiving feedback, values, learning to work in a team, emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence, personality, motivating self and others, leadership and management, and explain their importance to the development of self-awareness.
  • Provide an overview of the context of your target job/profession/industry/sector with a focus on why you need to develop the topics you have selected in order to succeed in this chosen sphere of work.
  • A conclusion of your own attitudes towards self-awareness and how they might help or hinder your career development and success.

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Part B–Establishing the Possessional and the Positional: A self-analysis

Drawing on the results of toolkits and/or psychometric texts you have completed during the course of this module, including those related to your topics of exploration in Part A, conduct a self-analysis identifying your strengths and weaknesses across the range of interpersonal and intrapersonal skills relevant to your target profession/industry/sector

Firstly you must:

  • Use the template provided – please download this from the Assessment Folder on the BB site – provide a summary of your strengths and weaknesses
  • This summary must be supported with evidence from the toolkits and other psychometric test results provided to you, or that you have identified from previous work or assessment centre experience, or researched online.
  • Include a reflective statement in which you critically evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and reflect on any patterns of behavior that relate to the topics you have discussed in Part A.
  • Consider what are the implications of your current skills, attributes, and characteristics in relation to your target job/profession/industry/sector, ie. how ‘ready’ are you to enter into the career of your choice?

Part C– What Next: Establishing Areas for Development

This final part establishes the ‘processual’ – the ‘what next’ element to your career development

  • Based on your self-analysis in Part Boutline three areas for development – aligned to the topics under discussion in Parts A and B – will enable you to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you need to be in the future to ensure career success in your target profession/industry/sector.
  • Provide an action plan in table format to demonstrate how you will achieve these areas for development

Academic Misconduct

  • The Assessment Regulations for Taught Awards (ARTA) contain the Regulations and procedures applying to cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct
  • You are reminded that plagiarism, collusion, and other forms of academic misconduct as referred to in the Academic Misconduct procedure of the assessment regulations are taken very seriously by Newcastle Business School.  Assignments in which evidence of plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct is found may receive a mark of zero.

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