HRM7010: Contemporary organizations and their operating environments :Contemporary Issues in People Management, Assessment ,CMU,UK
University | Cardiff Metropolitan University (CMU) |
Subject | HRM7010: Contemporary Issues in People Management |
Assessment Criteria
Learning outcomes assessed
- Contemporary organizations and their operating environments
- HR as a strategic and ‘managerial’ activity and how strategies are shaped and developed in anticipation of or response to changing internal and external factors, requiring use of business acumen, and data analytics
- Demographic, social and economic factors and implications for organization and human resource management
- Market and non-market goals and objectives of organizations and how human resource management supports their development
- The broad UK regulatory and legislative framework and implications for HRM policies and procedures in organizations
Other skills/attributes developed
- This includes elements of the Cardiff Met EDGE (Ethical, Digital, Global and Entrepreneurial skills) and other attributes developed in students through the completion of the module and assessment. These will also be highlighted in the module guidance, which should be read by all students completing the module. Assessments are not just a way of auditing student knowledge. They are a process which provides additional learning and development through the preparation for and completion of the assessment.
- Ethical – In this module and assessment students consider and develop understanding of the ways in which political, economic, social, ethical and legal environment issues impact upon the design and implementation of HRM strategies and practices in diverse sectors and industries, (indicated in learning outcomes one, two, three, four and five linked to this assessment). Corporate Responsibility, business ethics, sustainability and diversity and inclusion feature within the content and assessment for the module.
- Digital – The module implicitly develops the student’s understanding of the use and nature of digital technology within a variety of HRM contexts especially in relation to the gig economy and the digital workforce, as well as national, environmental, labour market and people data analytics specifically used in this assessment in relation to learning outcomes one to five. Students develop the transferrable skills relating to their own digital competences and behaviors through research for preparation and completion of assessment, engaging in online learning, communicating through digital technologies, and demonstrating an agile mindset and flexible approach that assists in the navigation between physical and digital world.
- Global – Case studies and examples used within the module explore and highlight the global nature of HRM in domestic and international settings, and can be utilized in this assessment. This therefore develops the students’ awareness and understanding of global issues and contexts, and a global mindset (indicated in learning outcomes one to four).
- Entrepreneurial – This module encourages the students to use their own initiative and evaluate HRM issues in a creative manner through this assessment, in particular their choice of people data analytics sources; and their choice of questions to focus on from the strategic contribution of HRM, the ethical contribution of HRM, differing models of HRM delivery and International HRM; illustrated with environmental issues, and sectoral/industry/organizational examples.
- Other key skills addressed through this assessment are communication, data analysis, numeracy, learning and study, problem solving, analytical thinking and writing and ability to critique theory and consider how it can be applied in practice.
Marking/Assessment Criteria
Students will be marked according to the following assessment criteria:
- The student should demonstrate understanding of the contribution of the HRM function to the business and its performance.
- The student should demonstrate relevant knowledge and understanding of strategic HRM and differing theories of SHRM, how SHRM links to business strategy and how HRM strategies, policies and practices are developed in relation to internal and external factors
- The student should demonstrate relevant knowledge of the ethical contribution of the HRM. This should include critical discussion of CSR and can include areas such as Diversity and Inclusion or Wellbeing etc.
- The student should demonstrate the ability to critically analyze the social, political, economic context and how it impacts on HRM policy and practice.
- The student should demonstrate the ability to critically analyze how HRM can support the goals of different organizations from different sectors
- The student should demonstrate appropriate use and understanding of specific data sources suitable for people analytics, with illustrative examples relevant to specific areas of HR policy and practice
- The student should demonstrate understanding of the contribution of IHRM to international businesses, including differing MNC strategies, tensions between integration and local responsiveness, and national culture and institutional environment.
- The student should carry out relevant and up to date research to evidence their analysis. This should include the use of reliable and current secondary data, (suitable for the scenario), reference to a variety of academic sources and the correct use of referencing throughout the presentation.
- The answers should be appropriately structured and presented, and supported with appropriate referencing.
Marking Criteria
Students will be awarded their mark based upon the academic standards outlined below: Mark 90+ (Distinction)
This band of marks represents the level of attainment commensurate with the award of a Masters degree with Distinction.
As 80+ criteria, but in addition students will have demonstrated a full and detailed understanding of the set task and an ability to have met the learning outcomes and address the assessment criteria at an outstanding and exceptional level. Mark 80+ (Distinction)
This band of marks represents the level of attainment commensurate with the award of a Masters degree with Distinction. As 70 + criteria but in addition:
- Students will have demonstrated a full and detailed understanding of the set task and an ability to have met the learning outcomes and address the assessment criteria at an excellent
- Work is of a standard deemed to be worthy of publication/manufacture/public exhibition/public performance.
- Inwrittencoursework,referencecitationsextendsignificantlybeyondthe main body of reading normally expected in the discipline/field of study. In examinations, a substantial range of reference citations are included.
- Work may challenge the boundaries of knowledge within the discipline/field of study and is informed by innovative and/or creative thinking.
- New insights are offered that are informed by critical evaluation of current research/scholarship/professional practice.
- Students demonstrate the ability to design and undertake their own research or advanced scholarship, applying relevant techniques and methods appropriately.
- The exceptional standard of the work extends beyond that expected at Level 7 and has features consistent with Level8.
- Answer demonstrates an excellent understanding of the question and the latest developments and complexities involved in the chosen contemporary issue in HRM relating to points (a), (b), (c) and (d).
- Evidence of creativity and wide reading beyond core subject matter.
- Excellent communication skills and use of professional and engaging IT mediated presentation methods demonstrated.
- Excellent report writing skills.
- Excellent engagement with meeting logs and blog
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