HWEL2002: Identify and define 3 social determinants of health (SDOH) that are being addressed within this program: Understanding Health Assignment, TUA, UK

University Torrens University Australia (TUA)
Subject HWEL2002: Understanding Health


  • Identify and define 3 social determinants of health (SDOH) that are being addressed within this program. Briefly define the SDOH and how it can impact health outcomes.
  • Provide a brief outline of the Program.
  • Provide a more detailed explanation as to the influence that each of these 3 SDOHs has on the health outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals/communities. Why is it important that each of these determinants is addressed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals/communities?
  • Identify and describe ways in which culture and/or cultural identity are supported in this program. Explain why incorporating culture into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Promotion Programs is important and at least one additional strategy that could be implemented to improve this.

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