Identify and outline the health and safety and security policies and procedures of your work setting: Health and Safety Assignment, NU, UK

University Northumbria University (NU)
Subject Health and Safety

Task 1

  • Identify and outline the health and safety and security policies and procedures of your work setting.
  • Explain how the policies and procedures of your work setting cover current legislation about Health Safety and security.
  • Identify the lines of responsibility and reporting for health and safety and security in the work setting.

Task 2

  1. Explain the importance of having a safe but challenging environment for babies and young children.
  2. Explain the importance of using equipment, furniture, and materials safely, following the manufactures instructions, and setting requirements.
  3. Identify the differences between risk and hazard?
  4. Identify the lines of responsibility and reporting in the event of identifying risks and hazards.

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