Identify legislation relating to health and safety in a care setting Explain the main points of health and safety: Health and Wellbeing in Society Assignment, DMU, UK

University De Montfort University (DMU)
Subject Health and Wellbeing in Society
  1. Identify legislation relating to health and safety in a care setting
  2.  Explain the main points of health and safety policies and procedures agreed with the employer
  3. Analyze the main health and safety responsibilities of – self – the employer or manager – others in the work setting
  4. Identify specific tasks in the work setting that should not be carried out without special training
  5. Use policies and procedures or other agreed ways of working that relate to health and safety
  6. Explain your own role in supporting others to follow infection practices that reduce the spread of infection
  7. Describe the causes and spread of infection
  8. Explain the main points of legislation that relate to moving and handling
  9. Explain the principles for safe moving and handling
  10. Describe types of hazardous substances that may be found in the work setting
  11. Describe practices that prevent fires from: – starting – spreading
  12. Explain emergency procedures to be followed in the event of a fire in the work setting
  13. Explain the importance of ensuring that others are aware of their own whereabouts
  14. Describe common signs and indicators of stress in self and others
  15. Analyze factors that can trigger stress
  16. Compare strategies for managing stress in self and others 9.4 Explain how to access sources of support.

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