Internal Combustion Engine Simulation Report

University Conventry University (CU)
Subject Internal Combustion Engine Simulation

Assignment Task

By using 1-D simulation software “GT POWER v 2023”, the aim of this coursework is to study the engine performance characteristics by changing design parameters. A written report addressing the results from the following tasks:

Task 1. 10% of the assignment mark

Simulate a GT-POWER engine model “v2023_TASK1_5013FTE1cylSI” provided in AULA to produce baseline results. Plot and discuss relevant engine performance indicators of your choice such as Volumetric Efficiency, BMEP, BSFC and discuss links between them. The engine must be simulate from 1000rpm through to 8000rpm. Discussion of the results including links between the various engine performance indicators should be also included in the report.

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Task 2. 20% of the assignment mark

Modify the engine intake runner length to 400mm and exhaust runner length to 100mm. Name the model as “v2023_TASK2_5013FTE1cylSI”. You must keep the rest of components of the model as standard this includes the runner diameter and other parameters. Then run simulation from 1000rpm through to 8000rpm and compare performance with baseline in Task1. Discuss the relation between the modification applied and overall engine performance characteristic changes.

Task 3. 20% of the Assignment 1 coursework mark

In the model “v2023_TASK2_5013FTE1cylSI”, alter combustion duration (def=10 to 90%) to 20deg and Anchor angle (def = 50% burn) to 6deg. Name the model as v2023_TASK3_5013FTE1cylSI”. You must keep the rest of components of the model same as the TASK2 model. Then run simulation from 1000rpm through to 8000rpm and compare with TASK2. Discuss the performance changes using relevant engine performance indicators (additional performance indicators may be required to suitably discuss the changes).

Task 4. 20% of the Assignment 1 coursework mark

Change the TASK3 model to Direct Injection fuelling system. Name the model as “v2023_TASK4_5013FTE1cylSI”. You must keep the rest of components of the model same as the TASK3 model. Then run simulation from 1000rpm through to 8000rpm and compare with TASK3. Discuss the performance changes using relevant engine performance indicators (additional performance indicators may be required to suitably discuss the changes).

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Task 5. 30% of the Assignment 1 coursework mark

Tasks 1-4 rely on simulation to predict engine performance. In the real world simulation predictions are also tested with single cylinder engines on an engine dynamometer (test bed) to give empirical validation to the results. As a powertrain development engineer you would be required to inform the applications group how and what you specifically want to test and what data you require. Analyse and discuss what modifications to the base hardware and software would be required to create these empirical dyno tests and what would be required to measure the performance indicators you have discussed above to validate your simulations. This should include a description of all the required sensors and actuators (including type and some reasoning why) and a discussion of which aspects of engine control strategy should be modified for each task above.

Submission Instructions: 

The submission format for this coursework is a typed technical report to be submitted online through Aula. The technical report needs to cover all the tasks described above and to include supporting diagrams and clear referencing where needed throughout. 

The report should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document with the following requirements:

Report size: The report should be type written and the total length of the main report should not exceed 2000 words. You may wish to include some additional pages of appendices. Word count does NOT include title page, contents page, references pages or appendices. Tables and figure captions are also exempt from the word count.

Page layout: The margin shouldn’t be “Moderate” or lower i.e. Top and Bottom of 2.54 and Left and Right 1.91.

Font size: The acceptable font size is minimum of 10 and maximum of 12.

Subdivision – numbered sections: Divide your report into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, …), 1.2, etc. Use this numbering also for internal cross-referencing: do not just refer to ‘the text’. Any subsection may be given a brief heading. Each heading should appear on its own separate line. It is suggested (but not mandatory) to

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