LART 1001: Is it possible to isolate from globalization and Why and why not Challenges and opportunities of Globalization: Introduction to Civics and Ethics Assignment, ASTU, UK

University Adama Science And Technology University (ASTU)
Subject LART 1001: Introduction to Civics and Ethics
  1. Major Contemporary Global Issues
  • Is it possible to isolate from globalization? Why and why not
  • Challenges (impacts) and opportunities of Globalization
  • How to overcome globalization’s impact
  • Discuss clearly the meaning, cause, impact, and how to combat Terrorism, Religious Fundamentalism, and Political Extremism.
  1. Survey of Contemporary Global issues from a Security Perspective
    • What are Weapons of Mass Destruction and the nuclear power paradox?
    • Is having nuclear weapons a guarantee to have the security of a state? Is it to abolish Mass Destruction weapons?
  2. Identify the major causes, Impacts, and ways of controlling mechanisms for Illicit Human Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, and Firearms trafficking.
  3. Environmental and technology-related issues Meaning, Cause, Impacts, and ways of controlling mechanism of Climate change and Global  Warming

What are cyber-crime and Cyber Security?

  • Identify the impacts of cyber-crime and cyber security in general and on our state specifically?
  • Who is the responsible body for protecting cyber-crime and cyber security?

 Emerging Social, Economic, and Political Issues

  • What is the cause and consequences of migration and Refugee?
  • What is a trade war
  • Identify the meaning, way of transmission, symptoms, and treatment mechanisms of epidemic and pandemic diseases like COVID 19, TB, Ebola, and HIV AIDS.

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