Legal Analysis of Negligence Claim Against SamsTech for AI Chatbot Errors

University The University of Edinburgh (TUE)
Subject Law of Negligence

Learning Outcomes addressed and assessed in this Assignment:

  1. Discuss the importance of law to the operation of business in Ireland.
  2. Describe the essential aspects of the law of contract, negligence and employment law and their impact on businesses and to be able to apply the core principles in a practical manner.

Assignment Brief


SamsTech is a software company specializing in AI-powered customer service solutions. Due to a recent update to their system, their AI chatbot, “TechHelp,” began offering personalized advice to customers, including guidance on health-related topics. However, the AI’s responses, which were meant to help customers navigate a new health protocol, was not entirely accurate regarding the effectiveness and safety of a vaccine.

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Martha, an employee in the customer support team, was instructed to continue using the AI chatbot as a tool for providing customer assistance, despite some early complaints about its reliability. After interacting with a customer who asked for advice on whether to take the vaccine, Martha used the chatbot’s recommendation as part of her own decision-making process and subsequently took the vaccine, following the inaccurate advice.

Martha later fell ill and suffered severe complications from the vaccine, which had been administered based on the incorrect advice given by TechHelp. She has been unable to return to work due to ongoing health problems.


Martha is seeking your advice on any potential claim for negligence against SamsTech for the harm caused by the AI chatbot’s inaccurate advice. Ensure your analysis considers:

  • Potential breaches of duty of care related to AI and automated decision-making processes.
  • The uncertainty surrounding the legal responsibility for AI errors and whether personal liability should apply in these circumstances.

Ensure that all of these questions are answered explicitly and based on arguments that are grounded in an application of caselaw and legislation to the facts of the scenario provided, written in your own words.

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