LD7091: Research Methods for Professional Practice: Professional Practice and Research Project Proposal coursework, NUN, UK

University Northumbria University Newcastle (NUN)
Subject Research Methods for Professional Practice

Learning Outcomes tested in this assessment

This assignment will assess the following learning outcomes:

  1. Deploy comprehensive knowledge and understanding of appropriate techniques and tools to plan, research and manage a project
  2. Systematically identify and analyze a complex research problem and produce a project proposal to solve it, considering professional, ethical, social, and legal issues
  3. Appreciate and apply appropriate techniques, tools, and knowledge to support effective project management, research, and advanced scholarship
  4. Demonstrate independent research and inquiry skills at an appropriately advanced level in the construction of a research project proposal
  5. Critically appraise the processes used in the development of a research project proposal

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Assessment brief

There are three parts to this assignment.


Part A: Reflective CPD (continuous professional development) (suggested word limit for this section is 1000 words)

Complete a detailed personal development plan for your future dissertation. Your submission should include a self-reflection on your past achievements, a personal SWOT analysis of your current experience, and an outline of your future personal development plan. Your personal development plan should include detailed steps that you need to put in place to achieve your final project/ dissertation goals.
Part B: Research Log (suggested number of log entries for this section is up to 20 log entries; no word limit for each log)
Maintain a log of your research development process.  You should note down your learning experiences to the key activities of this module and/ or your personal development plan. It is advised to use the ePortfolio tool – PebblePad to keep your log.
Part three: Project proposal (suggested word limit for this section is 3000 words)
Produce a proposal for your final project/dissertation with the following key components.

3.1. Introduction 

  • What you intend to do, i.e. a brief summary of what activities will be undertaken in the project
  • Why you intend to do it, i.e. why the project is worthwhile and relevant to the student and to computing
  • The aim summarises what the project should achieve overall.
  • Research Scope and objectives
  • The SMART objectives, with an outline of deliverables and measurement criteria for quality
  • Research Questions

3.2.Literature Review 

  • Computing context and previous research areas of interest and possible impact
  • A diagram outlining the relevant body of knowledge
  • Identification and Reviews of relevant authors and journals

3.3.Research Methodology and Planning 

  • How you will proceed, i.e. what research method/design you will use in order to achieve the aim and each objective.
  • The project plans (Gantt and Monitoring and Control Table) and task lists should link back to the objectives and highlight, deliverables, resources, skills, time, millstones, methods to be used, costs of time, and resources.
  • Risk assessment and management


  • Ethics, Legal, Social, Security, and Professional Consideration: a discussion that explores and defines all of the ethical, legal, social, and professional issues associated with your project, including how you will consider security issues. If you think an area of this section is not applicable to your project, you should justify why this is the case.

Appendix: Draft Ethical Online Application References

  • These should be primarily used to support your background section and include the latest relevant research in your chosen topic area.  All references in the reference list must also appear within the body of the report. There is no ideal number of references recommended but a guide might be no less than 10 – 15 sources should be used.

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