Letter to the editor of Nursery World journal for a special issue: Early Childhood Studies Coursework MUL, UK

University Middlesex University London(MUL)
Subject Early Childhood Studies

Coursework- Letter to the editor of Nursery World journal for a special issue.

Students need to write a letter to the editor of the Nursery World journal in order to convince them to have a special issue about multimodal learning. In your suggestion, you need to explain the benefits to their journal and provide an in-depth analysis of the content of multimodality and multimodal learning. Present how a multimodal environment looks like and benefits the inclusion of all children. Illuminate your arguments with an analysis of a couple of multimodal approaches. References should be used properly throughout the whole script.

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Introduce yourself and explain the purpose of the letter  Explain the benefits of this special issue to their journal.

  • Introduce the concept of multimodality. Remember to include a definition and to discuss the concept of modes in the meaning-making process.
  • Analyse the key features of a multimodal environment and provide examples. Focus on how it benefits all children.
  • Analyse a couple of approaches that could be used to support multimodal learning. Explain the link with multimodal learning. Analyse their content and key steps/features/characteristics.
  • Conclude the main arguments.

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