Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care, Coursework, UK: Understand the application of personcentred practices in care settings

Subject Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care Coursework

1 Understand the application of personcentred practices in care settings

1.1 Explain how person-centred values can be applied in a range of situations 3

1.2 Describe ways to build relationships with individuals effectively 3

1.3 Explain how and why person-centred values and strength-based approaches must influence all aspects of care work

1.4 Describe how care plans and other resources can be used to apply: • person-centred values • strength-based approaches 3

1.5 Evaluate how active participation of individuals and others in care planning promotes person-centred values and strength-based approaches when: • meeting an individual’s holistic needs • planning for their futures aspects of care work 3

1.6 Explain how to collate feedback to support delivery of person-centred care in line with roles and responsibilities

1.7 Describe how to support individuals to question or challenge decisions made about them by others

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2 Understand the importance of individuals’ relationships

2.1 Identify different relationships and people who may be important to individuals, including intimate or sexual relationships 3

2.2 Analyse the impact maintaining and building relationships can have on individuals 3

2.3 Describe own role in supporting individuals to maintain and build relationships Coursework

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