MB5528 Select a firm of your choice that operates internationally. The chosen firm can be from any industry or sector: International Business Assignment, BUL, UK

University Brunel University London (BUL)
Subject MB5528 International Business Assignment

Select a firm of your choice that operates internationally. The chosen firm can be from any industry or sector. Your task is to critically analyze the role of institutions and institutional distance in the firm’s international strategy and its subsequent impact on firm performance. Your analysis should cover the following key areas:

  • Firm Background and Industry: Provide an overview of the chosen firm, including its history, industry, products/services, and geographical scope of
    international operations.
  • Institutional Distance Analysis: Define and explain the concept of institutional distance. Analyze the institutional differences (cultural, regulatory,
    political, etc.) between the home and host countries of the firm’s international operations.
  • • International Strategy: Discuss how the identified institutional distance has influenced the firm’s international strategy. Analyze the firm’s approach
    to entry modes, market selection, adaptation, etc., to local institutional environments.
    • Firm Performance: Evaluate the firm’s performance in terms of financial indicators, market share, brand recognition, and any other relevant
    performance metrics.
  •  Impact of Institutional Distance on Firm Performance: Critically assess how the identified institutional distance has had an impact on the chosen
    firm’s performance. Analyze how the firm’s international strategy has either leveraged or mitigated the effects of institutional differences.
  •  Adaptations and Recommendations: Based on your analysis, suggest strategies that the firm could consider to better navigate the challenges posed by institutional distance and further enhance its firm performance.

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