MP3395 Turbocharger Performance Evaluation and System Analysis CW2 Assessment, AY2024-25
University | University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) |
Subject | MP3395 Mechanical Engineering Systems |
Turbocharger Performance
This Assessment Pack consists of a detailed assignment brief, guidance on what you need to prepare, and information on how class sessions support your ability to complete successfully. This should be used in addition to the information provided by the module lead welcome event and additional coursework guidance sessions on Blackboard. You’ll also find information on this page to guide you on how, where, and when to submit. If you need additional support, please make a note of the services detailed in this document.
Assessment Weight:
CW2 is worth 40% of the overall grade as per the module descriptor.
Additional Support Available
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- Our Library resources link can be found in the library area of the Student Hub or via your subject librarian at or - Support with your academic skills development (academic writing, critical thinking, and referencing) is available through
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All assessed work should be genuinely your own work, and all resources fully cited. - For advice on the use of Artificial Intelligence, please refer to
Categories of AI tools guidance.
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For this assignment you are permitted to use:
- Translation Software
- Paraphrasing Tools
- AI for proofing only
Preparing for your assignment:
Refer to the Module Information Pack to understand the Learning Outcomes and Marking Criteria.
DO NOT USE GENERATIVE AI TOOLS! This will be detected and heavily penalised.
Assessment Pack Contents
1. Checklist of things to do before submission
2. Introduction
3. Submission details
4. Detailed assignment brief
5. Teaching into assessment
6. Sample of successful assignment
7. Learning outcomes
8. Marking grid/marking rubric
9. Information on Artificial Intelligence that student may use in this assessment
Part 1: Checklist for Preparing Assignment
Below are some useful checklists to ensure you are preparing in the right way:
- Watched guidance on “Referencing your work”
- Downloaded REFWorks, Used IEEE style?
- Checked units
- Checked Word count
- Used equation editor
- Cited the relevant Learning outcomes in the report?
- Removed all parts of the template explaining how to write the report?
- Read the “Rubric” on Blackboard explaining the feedback and marking of the report?
- Seen sample report by IET on Blackboard
- Used the IET style for labelling figures and tables
- Watched “How to write your report” on Blackboard Welcome page
- High quality images used (Edit/remove ALT Text in pasted images in Word1)
- Is my Conclusion readable independent of the entire report?
- Did I use and present CAD using a standard2 (e.g. BS888, ISO128) , and cited,?
- Did I checking spellings and grammars? 3
This assignment is structured that students show evidence for partial fulfilment of the following module learning outcomes:
[LO1] Structured and informed design and development of engineering
systems through the application of scientific principles and methodology to a
variety of systems
[LO2] Apply mathematical and engineering principles as either a part or the
whole of the analysis and evaluation of the performance of a variety of
engineering systems and processes quantifying the limitations of the modelling
[LO3] Apply a systems approach to engineering problems to classify, analyse
and evaluate the performance of systems and components through the use of modelling techniques
Instruction for Degree Apprentices Only – KSBs
It is additionally required of you to reflect on meeting the Knowledge, Skills and Behavioural learning outcomes for the module (also known as the KSBs) – see APPENDIX CW 1B. This reflection is to be included as “citations” in the report where they are met. You should write a short reflective narrative as an Appendix to your report. This reflective narration practice is in line with your preparation for your End Point Assessment (EPA).
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Part 3: Background/Introduction
Turbochargers (Fig. 1) are integral to modern engineering, enhancing engine power and efficiency by increasing the density of intake air to allow for greater fuel combustion. In addressing contemporary challenges, turbochargers contribute to reducing emissions and improving fuel efficiency, aligning with global environmental standards across automotive, marine, and power generation applications.
This coursework enables students to apply scientific principles and structured design methods to analyse turbocharged systems [LO1]. By utilising T-s diagrams, turbocharger compressor maps, analytical (0D and/or 1D models) students/learners will apply mathematical and engineering principles to evaluate key performance parameters, such as efficiency, airflow, and pressure ratios, while understanding the limitations of modelling in real-world applications [LO2]. A systems-based approach will be used to classify and evaluate the turbocharger’s performance characteristics, leveraging models to understand operational boundaries like surge and choke [LO3]. This foundational understanding prepares students to design and evaluate turbocharged systems effectively, integrating both theoretical and practical knowledge for contemporary engineering challenges.
Schematic of a Turbo charger (highlighted component)
A testbench data from a manufacturer produced the compressor map in Fig. 2. The
turbocharger has a maximum speed of 15,000 rpm. One set of the tests that produced
the map was at 50%, 71%, 87% and 100% of the maximum speeds at varied
compressor isentropic efficiency (𝜂∞,𝑐) in the range 50% < 𝜂∞,𝑐 < 100%. Your main
goal is to evaluate the performance of the turbocharger over a range of operations.
These data should allow you to carry out a set of analyses in a parametric manner to
discuss the performance of the turbocharger. You will be expected to make (but state
clearly with justifications) reasonable assumptions in your analyses. Use the gas
properties in Table 1 in your analyses.
Turbine | Compressor | |
Specific heats at constant pressure, 𝑐𝑝 | 1.005 𝑘𝐽/𝑘𝑔𝐾 | 1.150 𝑘𝐽/𝑘𝑔𝐾 |
Polytropic indices, γ | 1.41 | 1.35 |
As part of your tasks, you will be expected to do a limited critical review of literature to support your analyses as part of your technical report. The format/structure for the report is given in Appendix.
Fig. 2: Compressor map
Indicative Report Tasks4 and expected report layout. Use the provided
[Add an abstract here summarizing the report’s objectives, methods, results, and conclusions]
1. Introduction
Introduce the coursework (200-750 words). Your introduction must lead on to the methodology section of the report.
The reports in the citations [1-3] show a good layout of contents. See some relevant papers to turbocharger design [5,6].
You can cover topics such as, but not limited to: contemporary issues in turbocharger designs, turbocharger mapping,
non-dimensional numbers, high-performance engines (e.g., F1, Diesel, Light Aircrafts), supercharging, EGR, standards,
manufacturing (if you work in the automotive industry include challenges relevant to your industry), SDG, etc.
2. Method
2.1 Analytical Method
Describe your analytical method/equations that form the basis of your parametric analysis.
2.2 Solution Method
Explain your modeling approach.
3. Results
Describe your results and the meaning of your results. This section can include several sub-sections as needed.
3.1 Title
[Description of specific results]
3.2 Parametric Analyses
3.2.1 Effect of xxx on yyy
[Analysis details]
3.2.2 [Additional Subsections]
[Additional analysis details]
4. Conclusion
Draw your conclusions from the work.
Add any other documents or details to help make this report clearer.
KSB Reflection (Degree Apprentices Only)
[Include a reflection section for Degree Apprentices]
Cite high-quality references and use IEEE style only. A minimum of 15 citations is expected.
APPENDIX CW 1B: Degree Apprenticeship Learning Outcomes
[K] Incropera
APPENDIX CW 1A: Referencing style
[1] Incropera FP, Lavine AS, Bergman TL, DeWitt DP. Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer. Wiley; 2007.
[2] Peles Y, Koşar A, Mishra C, Kuo CJ, Schneider B. Forced convective heat transfer across a pin fin micro heat sink. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2005 Aug 1;48(17):3615-27.
[3] Tigges KD, Klauke F, Bergins C, Busekrus K, Niesbach J, Ehmann M, Kuhr C, Hoffmeister F, Vollmer B, Buddenberg T, Wu S. Conversion of existing coal-fired power plants to oxyfuel combustion: Case study with experimental results and CFD-simulations. Energy Procedia. 2009 Feb 1;1(1):549-56.
[4] Yu JC, Li ZX, Zhao TS. An analytical study of pulsating laminar heat convection in a circular tube with constant heat flux. International journal of heat and mass transfer. 2004 Nov 1;47(24):5297-301.
[5] Tancrez M, Galindo J, Guardiola C, Fajardo P, Varnier OL. Turbine adapted maps for turbocharger engine matching. Experimental thermal and fluid science. 2011 Jan 1;35(1):146-53.
[6] Moraal P, Kolmanovsky I. Turbocharger modeling for automotive control applications. SAE Technical Paper; 1999 Mar 1.
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