NURS07043 Community Health and Social Care (CHSC) Profile of Scotland | Report

University University of the West of Scotland (UWS)
Subject NURS07043 Nursing and Health Care

Assignment Guidance

This additional guidance is provided to supplement the existing CHSC assignment guidelines. You should read both documents.
In the sections below, you will find more detail about what you should write about each in each section.

Introduction – 100 words (5%)

Your introduction should be a brief overview of what will be discussed in the profile. By the end of this section, the reader should have a clear sense of what you plan to write about and the order in which the main points will be addressed.

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Provide an overview of the concept of health and determinants of health – 400 words (20%)

You should describe what is meant by the term health. What are the Dimensions of Health? You should also identify and describe the determinants of health.

Describe the demographic of your chosen locality and outline the socio-political factors influencing the delivery of health and social care in that locality – 600 words (30%)

Your chosen locality should be a local authority area in Scotland. This can be the area in which you live, or another local authority of interest to you. You should provide the name of the authority you choose to describe.

When describing the demographic, you should consider the following:


  • How many people live in this area? Is this a rural, urban or mixed area?
  • What percentage of the population consists of children, young people, adults under sixty-five, and those over that age?
  • Other areas you may be able to explore are birth and death rates, gender, marital status, retired numbers.
  • What is the ethnic/cultural profile of the population?

Social and political influences

What can you find out about the health and social circumstances of the area? For example, what are the main health and social issues? Are there significant problems with employment, income levels, housing, drugs, alcohol, smoking, obesity, crime, education or deprivation? If so, what are they? Utilities and facilities, access to gyms, libraries, shops etc. What are the health care provisions locally? Do you have a hospital and/or Emergency Dept locally?

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Identify and discuss one public health issue within your locality – 200 words (10%)

There may be many important factors that you have found within your local area, however, you should choose one such as mental health or obesity or smoking or alcohol and drugs or gender-based violence or women’s health to discuss within this section (This list is not exhaustive).

Briefly describe what you are able to find out about the scale of the issue in your chosen locality. What does service provision look like in this area for this issue.? For example, what services does the local health board offer? What social care provision is offered by the local authority and by third sector / voluntary organisations?

Discuss this health issue in the context of public health and strategies based on local, national, and global targets – 600 words (30%)

Describe one local, one national and one global strategy aimed at addressing your chosen issue. For example, if you have chosen to look at smoking, what strategies are in place at each of the three levels to reduce incidence of smoking?

Conclusion – 100 words (5%)

Summarise your main points in the profile.

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