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NVQ Level 5 Unit 507 Safeguarding in Adult Care
University | University of Birmingham (UoB) |
Subject | Unit 507 Safeguarding in Adult Care |
Learner statement
Assessor Use Only – Assessment Criteria Met
Learner to provide narrative under each statement of how they meet the criteria.
You must provide answers to each question that allow your assessor to properly assess your knowledge and what work duties you are doing or what role you have within your work. It expected that you will need approximately 300 words per question. The more detail you provide the less likely your account will be sent back for more clarification.
You must answer each question in your own words and written in the first person meaning “I do this”. A tip is always to keep in mind the “who, why, how, where and when” in each answer.
Learning Outcome 1:
Understand requirements for safeguarding in adult care settings/services
1.1 describe the current legislative framework and national guidance that underpins the safeguarding of adults
1.2 describe local systems, procedures and agencies relating to adult safeguarding and own role within these
1.3 explain how national and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding affect:
- day to day work with individuals
- own responsibilities towards individuals, their families and carers
- team members
1.4 explain how investigations into serious failures to uphold individuals’ rights to live free from abuse and neglect have impacted on national policy
1.5 describe legal provisions in relation to:
- whistleblowing
- information sharing
1.6 describe own role in leading a response to suspected or disclosed abuse or neglect
1.7 explain how and when to engage others in relation to responding to safeguarding concerns
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Others in this context refers to those people who may need to be involved in a response, for instance:
- Individuals accessing care and support services
- Carers, loved ones, family, friends of those accessing care and support services
- Team members
- Managers and supervisors
- Professionals from other services
1.8 explain issues relating to consent to share information
1.9 describe own responsibilities to share information about suspicions or disclosures of abuse or neglect
1.10 describe local systems, procedures and agencies relating to children’s safeguarding and own role within these
1.11 analyse tensions between maintaining the safety of colleagues and others, with the duty of care to individuals known to be a potential risk to children/adults
Tensions – Learners should consider how their duty of care to individuals, whose behaviour may be challenging has to be balanced with the need to ensure the safety of others.
Others in this context may include adults or children visiting a setting or in the community
Learners must consider their responsibility to colleagues and the wider community. They should explore ways of keeping people safe from individuals in their care who are known to be a potential threat to the safety of others, whilst at the same time maintaining their duty of care to those in receipt of the service
Learning Outcome 2:
Be able to lead the implementation of practices, policies and procedures to support safeguarding in adult care settings/services
2.1 ensure that all policies, procedures, systems and processes used in the work setting comply with legal requirements, local and national guidance
2.2 embed safeguarding principles throughout all practices, policies and procedures
2.3 support team members to develop the knowledge and skills they need to safeguard adults at risk
2.4 ensure team members understand their role in responding to concerns about the safeguarding of a child or young person
2.5 review person-centred practices, policies and procedures to ensure continuous improvement in safeguarding of adults at risk of abuse or neglect in own setting/service
Review: this might take into account:
- Outcomes from Safeguarding reviews and investigations
- trauma informed care
- Current guidance arising from serious case reviews relating to adult care and its relevance to own organisation
- organisational culture
This might include reviewing:
- Person-centred practices, policies and procedures
- When a response is required for external influences which impact internal practices, eg a pandemic or current reports published by CQC
- Communication and support systems for staff and others within own organisation
- How own team/service liaises with others and/or external organisations
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2.6 evaluate the outcomes of the review of person-centred practices, policies and procedures to plan developments to ensure safeguarding of adults at risk of abuse or neglect in own setting/service
2.7 implement revised person-centred practices, policies and procedures relating to safeguarding in own setting
2.8 promote practices that encourage and empower adults at risk, and those who are important to them, to share concerns
2.9 follow agreed protocols to participate in inter-agency, joint or integrated working in order to achieve the best outcomes for adults at risk
If the learner has not experienced issues relating to adults at risk, then a professional discussion on how they would follow agreed protocols may be used. The EQA needs to agree that this approach is warranted.
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When submitting your reflective account and evidence on Learning Assistant please ensure that you click on the ‘Declaration’ button on the top right hand side of ‘Your Programme’ page. This confirms that the work you are submitting for your portfolio is your own.