Task 1 – Design a Mobile App (LA B: P3, P4, M2)
Project milestone: Thursday 14th March 2024
Design the mobile app to meet the requirements outlined in the scenario. You need to:
Create a comp
Explain the differences between learning requirements and continuous professional development? Your answer should analyse both learning requirements and continuous professional developm
Qualitative Analysis Assessment (1500 words maximum) - 50% of module mark
For the purpose of this assignment, you have been given a specific research question.
Research Question: How do CEOs env
Assignment brief
Write a 3000-word (+/- 10%) research report that critically examines a chronic illness through the lens of the bio-psycho-social model. Full details are outlined in the table below.
Please write an individual report entitled: "What steps, component parts and enabling tools would you use to develop a therapy that would be classified as an Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product / Regen
Module Aims
The Operational and Organisational Strategy module is designed to enable an understanding of how strategy is developed and implemented. Combining theory and practice, the module draws u
Task 1
Active Sourcing at AGILLearn You are a new recruiter at the startup company AGILLearn that provides University students with innovative and individualized learning products (e.g., apps) to o
Assignment instructions:You are required to write a Reflective Essay addressing your learning experience of a specific Topic studied on the module. You may choose to write about ANY of the Topics we h
Task 2
Undertake a pilot research project which does not require ethical approval.
Evaluate different methodologies used in research and identify appropriate one to answer your research questi