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Provide a critical self-reflection of the process of completing assignment 1: Managing Strategy, Operation & Partnership, Assignment, USW, UK
University | University Of South Wales (USW) |
Subject | Operation & Partnership |
Provide a critical self-reflection of the process of completing assignment 1 For completing this Task successfully, you must summarize all the academic knowledge you receive from the module’s content and professional benefits you received while critically analysed the case study/company selected (PepsiCo) including strategic implications and strategic business issues, during the development of summative assignment
1. The indicators of a good reflection are:
- It is personal to you
- It is clear how the learning relates to your role or prepares for a future role
- It outlines the content and method of the learning activity
- It describes how your knowledge, skills and attributes have developed as a result of the learning activity.
- It identifies any further gaps or learning you did not cover and how you might fill these.
- It describes how your current practice might change as a result • It indicates how you will use knowledge acquired for your career benefit You can approach
Your Self-Reflective writing as per the four stages below:
3 SG7001 / Managing Strategy, Operations and Partnerships
1. What did I expect to learn?
2. What did I learn?
3. What will I do differently after forwards?
4. My actions and next steps A strong Assignment Critical Reflection Requires addressing to the following issues:
High personal effectiveness:
- Critical self-awareness;
- Self-reflection and self-management;
- Time management;
- Sensitivity to diversity in people and different situations and
- The ability to continue to learn through reflection on practice and experience.
As this is a self- reflective practice within your writing you can use of the first person such as ‘I’ or ‘we’.
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