Qualifi Level 3 HSC302 -Role of communication in effective health and social care practice: Communication for Health and Social Care, Assignment, UK

Table of Contents Introduction………………

Task 1: Role of communication in effective health and social care practice

AC 1.1 Describe the methods used to communicate in health and social care..

AC 1.2 Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of both formal and informal communication methods.

AC 1.3: Outline the principles of effective communication…

AC 1.4: Explain potential barriers and how they can be overcome.

Task 2: Communicate information in a variety of formats………………..

AC 2.1: Discuss the different methods of oral and written communication found commonly in health and social care…

AC 2.2: Produce an oral presentation and deliver to an audience at appropriate level (Upload the Presentation PPT in separate slot on Moodle)…………………………..

Task 3: ICT in communication in health and social care……………………………

AC 2.3: Produce a written communication that is appropriate for your organisational role…….

AC 3.1: Discuss the benefits and potential hazards of using technology in communications for organisations.

AC 3.2: Discuss the benefits and potential hazards of using technology in communications for service users…

AC 3.3: Explain the issues around data protection and how it is implemented in health and social  care……………..

5 Conclusions……….

6 Bibliography

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(Briefly explain the context/background and what you will discuss in assignment)

Task 1: Role of communication in effective health and social care practice AC

1.1 Describe the methods used to communicate in health and social care.

AC 1.2 Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of both formal and informal communication methods.
AC 1.3: Outline the principles of effective communication.
AC 1.4: Explain potential barriers and how they can be overcome.

Task 2: Communicate information in a variety of formats

AC 2.1: Discuss the different methods of oral and written communication found commonly in health and social care.

AC 2.2: Produce an oral presentation and deliver to an audience at appropriate level (Upload the Presentation PPT in separate slot on Moodle).

Suppose you are a trainee health care professional and asked by a manager for help in developing a presentation in MS Power Point on any one of following topics to deliver in upcoming conference.
– Emotional Health and its importance
– Obesity and Diabetes – interrelationship

Oral Presentation simply means that you will record your voice/video while reading/presenting from the Slides.

In order to add your voice, you can simply:
In your PowerPoint Presentation:
1. Click Insert
2. Click Audio
3. Record Audio

AC 2.3: Produce a written communication that is appropriate for your organisational role. Prepare a simple/brief care plan for fever, pneumonia or any other illness of your choice (only one page).

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Task 3: ICT in communication in health and social care.

AC 3.1: Discuss the benefits and potential hazards of using technology in communications for organisations.
AC 3.2: Discuss the benefits and potential hazards of using technology in communications for service users.
AC 3.3: Explain the issues around data protection and how it is implemented in health and social care.


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