DRAD204: You will write up a project proposal related to diagnostic radiography for your audit/empirical project/review of evidence: Applied Research Methods in Diagnostic Radiography Dissertation, LHU, UK

University Liverpool Hope University (LHU)
Subject DRAD204: Applied Research Methods in Diagnostic Radiography

Module Aim

This module will further develop the student’s knowledge and understanding of research methodology and develop skills in research appraisal, synthesis, and interpretation of published evidence. This will enable them to develop an evidence-based approach to professional knowledge.

Module learning outcomes

  1. Explain how to review methods, experimental, survey, audit, or qualitative research designs may be applied in addressing health research questions.
  2. Search, appraise and interpret the meaning of published research, critically, within an area related to diagnostic radiography.
  3. Discuss ethical issues in health research
  4. Identify, from current evidence, an area of inquiry using professional knowledge and experience, relevant to diagnostic radiography practice.

Teaching and learning methods

Now that you are in year 2 semester 2 you are expected to be much more independent and self-motived than in year one. You should decide on what project you want to do and take responsibility for its development. You will work in seminars with a facilitator and a small group of fellow students each week to develop your and their projects. You will also have some key lectures to help you to develop your research knowledge and skills to be able to complete a plan (proposal) for a really good project.

In summary, there will be:-

  • Lectures 8 hrs
  • Statistical support 2.5 hours
  • There will be a statistician undertaking 2 lectures, and a drop-in help session. A statistician is called David Hughes from the Institute of Population Health
  • Seminars 12 hours
  • 9 parallel groups with 6/7 students/group
  • 10 hours per student (2 hours over 5 weeks)
  • Plus – a library professional will offer literature searching support for 1 hr. You can approach the library for further sessions if you need them.

In week 4 students will be expected to present their proposal to their seminar group for helpful critique. The supervisor will be able to give you feedback at this time. This presentation should contain information regarding the following:-

  • search strategy
  • literature
  • aims and objectives
  • background justification


You will write up a project proposal related to diagnostic radiography for your audit/empirical project/review of evidence. You can discuss this assignment with your supervisor as it develops over the weeks of the module, but they will not be allowed to review a draft prior to submission. They can however answer any questions you might have to help improve it.

It is anticipated that you will undertake this proposal in year 3 as your dissertation.

Week 1 (W/B 28th Feb)

Introduction to module (face to face)

  1. Types of assessment allowed for this module – lecture 1 hour
  • Plan for a Review of evidence
  • Empirical project proposal
  • Clinical audit plan

(use Knowhow for writing skills)

  1. Identify your area – 1st seminar 5 hours (Face to Face)
  • Key issues in health policy, research and professional practice
  • Reasons for choosing each type of assessment/dissertation
  • List of empirical projects identified by staff that are available for students to select
  • Preference for quantitative or qualitative research?
  • Guide to how to choose your project (see CANVAS week 1)

Module Assessment Brief

You will write up a 2,000 word project proposal in this module for a project, related to diagnostic radiography, which you will carry out in the final year but you have a choice. In fact, you have three choices: – 1. you can choose an empirical piece of work, where you collect data and write up the report as a dissertation. 2. You can undertake a clinical audit within a clinical radiology department. The audit needs to be registered with the Trust and follow the Trust requirements. 3. You can undertake a review of evidence (sometimes called a narrative or systematic review). This is a literature-based project which aims to bring together evidence and make some valuable recommendations for practice.

You can discuss this assignment with your supervisor as it develops over the weeks of the module, but they will not be allowed to review a draft prior to submission.

Assessment criteria

The school marking descriptors (Undergraduate) will be used to determine the final grade. The follow guidelines will help students to see what is expected in each section for each type of project and to help markers to award a final mark.

Clinical Audit

“Clinical audit is a quality improvement process that seeks to improve patient care and outcomes through systematic review of care against explicit criteria…Where indicated, changes are implemented…and further monitoring is used to confirm improvement in healthcare delivery.”

Principles for Best Practice in Clinical Audit (2002, NICE/CHI)

Structure of a Clinical Audit

1) Background to Audit

Explain why the audit needs to be done. What evidence is there to suggest the need for the audit. Explain why you have selected this topic.

2) Aims, Objectives and Agreed standard of best practice (audit criteria).

State the aims and objectives of the clinical audit. State and explain the audit standard that is being tested. This should be referenced to the source e.g national institute for health and care excellence (NICE) guidelines, professional body requirements, etc. This should be clear unambiguous and testable.

3) Methods

State and justify the methods you will use to collect the data. This should be referenced to the body of knowledge on research methods.

Consider how will you recruit participants, Sample sizes

4) Data Analysis

State the type of data you expect to generate and how you will analyse that data. Using either statistical analysis or qualitative review.

5) Ethical framework

Discuss any ethical issues that may occur as a result of the audit and ensure that you have stated and explained any ethical/audit approval processes that need to be undertaken including a timeframe.

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