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Regression Model Was Statistically Significant: Psychology Quantitative Research, Dissertation, UK
Subject | Psychology Quantitative Research |
Table 1 reports the descriptive data for our sample. Most respondents were female (60%); age ranges from 18 to over 60 years old, with only 1% of participants between 18-20 years old with a median of 33.9 years old (SD=3.41), but the yield no significant results on any of the variables, so for this study they will not be used. Table 1 also states the ordinal variable of years of flying experience where most participants were on the range of years of flying experience from 5-8 years (34%). with a median of 6.42 years of flying experience (SD=2.41, p=.652)
A multiple linear regression analysis was used to investigate the link between years of flying experience, neuroticism, emotional dissonance, and disengaged coping methods among flight attendants. The analysis aimed to determine which factors significantly predict this population’s use of maladaptive coping strategies. The regression model predicted disengaged coping methods with significant results (F (3, 112) = 13.226, p <.001). The model accounted for 26.2% of the variation in disengagement ratings. The Durbin-Watson statistic revealed no substantial autocorrelation in the residuals (D = 1.057).
The Shapiro-Wilk test indicated that the data did not significantly deviate from normality, a desirable outcome for statistical analyses. Histograms and Q-Q plots confirmed the normal distribution of the data, with no extreme values or outliers observed. This ensures that the data is suitable for linear regression analysis.
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The ANOVA results demonstrated that the regression model was statistically significant (F (3, 112) = 13.226, p <.001), indicating that the model as a whole reliably predicts disengagement coping strategies among flight attendants. This strong model significance lends credibility to the predictive relationships identified in the analysis.
A multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine the predictive relationships between emotional dissonance (ED), years of flying experience (YFE), and neuroticism (N) on disengagement coping strategies (DisengagementTotal). The regression coefficients for each predictor variable for emotional dissonance, years of flying experience, and neuroticism were as follows:
emotional dissonance (β =.267, p =.014), neuroticism (β =.306, p =.005), and years of flying experience (β =.051, p =.611), in which neuroticism and emotional dissonance showed that were significant predictors of disengaged coping methods. This implies that for every one-unit rise in emotional dissonance, there is a 0.267-unit increase in disengaged coping methods, all other factors remaining constant. Similarly, every one-unit rise in neuroticism results in a 0.306-unit increase in disengaged coping methods.
However, years of flying experience did not significantly affect disengaged coping strategies (β =.051, p =.611). This suggests that the number of years a flight attendant has been flying does not significantly affect their usage of disengaged coping strategies.
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