SQE2: Oral Skills-Written Skills- Apply the law comprehensively to the client’s situation, identifying any ethical and professional conduct issues: Reflective Portfolio, Coursework, UK

Subject Reflective Portfolio Coursework


Assessment criteria

Candidates will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Use appropriate language and behaviour.
  • Adopt a clear and logical structure.
  • Present a persuasive argument.
  • Interacts with/engages the court appropriately.
  • Include all key relevant facts.
  • Application of law.
  • Apply the law correctly to the client’s situation.
  • Apply the law comprehensively to the client’s situation, identifying any ethical and professional conduct issues and exercising judgment to resolve them honestly and with integrity.


Assessment objective

Candidates can demonstrate they are able to produce a written report to a partner giving a legal analysis of the case and client-focused advice.

Assessment criteria

Candidates will be assessed against the following criteria:
Identify relevant facts.

  • Provide client-focused advice (i.e. advice which demonstrates an understanding of the problem from the client’s point of view and what the client wants to achieve, not just from a legal perspective).
  • Use clear, precise, concise and acceptable language.
  • Application of law.
  • Apply the law correctly to the client’s situation.
  • Apply the law comprehensively to the client’s situation, identifying any ethical and professional conduct issues and exercising judgment to resolve them honestly and with integrity.

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