Business Decision-Making Assignment: Microsoft Productivity Tools, Excel Analysis & PowerPoint Presentation

University Arden University (AU)
Subject Computing

Assignment Tasks

Task 1

You have joined the technical support team at a small firm with 100 employees planning for rapid expansion. The company currently relies heavily on paper-based systems. A small core team is IT-literate, but the majority lack knowledge about productivity tools and their benefits.


Prepare a report explaining the benefits of using Microsoft productivity tools and the necessary skills expected of working professionals, university, or college graduates.

Report Guidelines:

  • Format: Use Microsoft Word to create the report with the following features:
    • Table of Contents (TOC) with auto page numbers.
    • Proper use of headings.
    • Tables and figures as needed.
    • Manage Sources for references.
  • Content: Include the following:
    • Explanation of Microsoft productivity tools (e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams).
    • Benefits for the workplace.
    • Importance of IT skills for employability.
    • Support arguments with references to relevant literature.
  • Word Count: 900 words.
  • Marks: 30 Marks.
  • Learning Outcomes: LOs 1, 2, 3 & 4.

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Task 2

You are provided with sales data by your tutor. The data is not in an easily usable format and needs to be organized and analyzed using Microsoft Excel.


  1. Create a Spreadsheet:
    • Organize the sales data with proper formatting.
    • Include headings and appropriate column widths.
    • Create properly named worksheets (tabs).
  2. Perform Calculations:
    • Add a new column called Profit and calculate the profit for each sale.
    • Add a column called Predicted Profit 10% to calculate the profit with a 10% selling price increase.
    • Calculate total profit across all sales.
  3. Use COUNTIF Function:
    • Count the number of instances of the London district in the data.
    • Count the number of instances of the Envelopes product.
  4. Create and Format Charts:
    • Use Pivot Tables to generate data for charts.
    • Create separate charts for:
      • Sum of quantities sold per salesperson.
      • Sum of quantities sold per district.
      • Sum of quantities sold per product.
    • Place each chart on a separate worksheet (tab) and label them appropriately.


  • Ensure formulas are efficient, scalable, and compact.
  • Avoid adding unnecessary calculations or columns.
  • Word count equivalent: 1200 words.
  • Marks: 40 Marks.
  • Learning Outcomes: LOs 2, 3 & 4.

Task 3

You are tasked with creating a PowerPoint presentation for managers to facilitate business decision-making based on sales performance data.


  1. Include Charts from Task 2:
    • Add the charts created in Task 2 (as images).
  2. Create Additional Charts:
    • Analyze sales performance in terms of profits and create new charts for:
      • Best-performing products, salespersons, and districts.
      • Worst-performing products, salespersons, and districts.
  3. Prepare the Presentation:
    • Include a Title Slide and a Summary Slide.
    • Create at least 8 slides in total.
    • Explain insights from each chart to aid decision-making.
  4. Design Guidelines:
    • Use effective slide design, color schemes, and typefaces.
    • Incorporate media elements to enhance presentation quality.


  • Word count equivalent: 900 words.
  • Marks: 30 Marks.
  • Learning Outcomes: LOs 2, 3 & 4.

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Submission Instructions:

  • Submit 3 separate files in the correct format:
    1. Microsoft Word file for Task 1.
    2. Microsoft Excel file for Task 2.
    3. Microsoft PowerPoint file for Task 3.
  • Use the provided sales data file for Task 2.


please note; 3 sperate files must be submitted. 1 for each task in the correct format.i have attached a file which contain figures for task 2 excel spreadsheet please use these figures to complete task 2.

Order IDDateCustomer IDName of CustomerSalespersonDistrictProductCost PriceSelling PriceQuantity Sold
1829/12/20187Thomson GroupGareth EvansHullLabels60909
822/04/20199TaskoRoger WatersBristolFasteners203015
615/09/20193SalisburysBobby SmithHullPaper30507
1602/06/20182Askwith and JonesBobby SmithCoventryFolders40705
1427/12/20186Pearson GroupFrederick WaltersCardiffPaper30506
307/08/20198Sparrow BankAnne-Marie JonesLeicesterEnvelopes1001507
1028/04/20191ViragoAnne-Marie JonesCardiffLabels609010
430/11/20198Sparrow BankHelen DavidsonHullFolders40709
902/04/20186Pearson GroupAlison SmithBarmouthEnvelopes1001505
505/04/20198Sparrow BankHadyn JonesLiverpoolLabels60909
1326/05/20185BoothsGareth EvansLiverpoolEnvelopes10015013
1919/10/20194Charkson and MayAlison SmithHullPaper30502
2024/12/20186Pearson GroupFrederick WaltersBirminghamFasteners20305
221/05/20191ViragoRoger WatersCoventryPaper305015
1510/03/20185BoothsAnne-Marie JonesBirminghamPaper30509
1116/10/20194Charkson and MayHelen DavidsonCardiffPaper305011
114/07/20185BoothsAlison SmithLiverpoolPaper30502
1705/09/201810Smith LogisticsGareth EvansLeedsEnvelopes10015014
1205/07/20193SalisburysAnne-Marie JonesBristolPaper30502
731/03/20187Thomson GroupGareth EvansLeicesterFasteners20303


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