Summarise standards and codes of practice relating to personal and professional behavior in adult care: Social Care Assignment, UOC, UK

University University of Cumbria (UOC)
Subject Social Care

Learning Outcomes

  1.  Model standards through personal and professional behaviour
  2. Support the development of personal and professional behaviour in others


    • Summarise standards and codes of practice relating to personal and professional behaviour in adult care
    • Describe skills, values and attributes underpinning personal and professional behaviour
    • Describe tensions between personal and professional behaviour
    • Define ‘self-awareness’
    • Explain how the practitioner’s experiences impact their values and beliefs.
    • Explain how the practitioner’s values and beliefs impact their personal and professional behaviour
    • Explain the importance of self-awareness in recognising: (AC 2.4)
      a) strengths and limitations
      b) areas for learning and professional development
    • Explain the impact of stress on personal and professional behaviour.
    • Describe skills for self-reflection
    • Reflect on your own personal and professional behaviour in relation to
      a) ability to manage self
      b) acting with integrity
    • Review areas of personal and professional behaviour for development
    • Evaluate the contribution others can make to own learning and development.
    • Describe examples of how you model standards through personal and professional behaviour.
    • Explain, with examples, how you support the development of personal and professional behaviour in others.

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