The CEO leads the business as the principal decision-maker about the game and BIS and Therefore, the CEO’s knowledge: Business Information Systems Assignment, MUL, UK

University Middlesex University London(MUL)
Subject Business Information Systems

Task 1: The CEO leads the business as the principal decision-maker about the game and BIS. Therefore, the CEO’s knowledge and understanding need to be demonstrated from the start. Address relevant questions. What is your business? In which sector does it operate? What strategic position does it follow, and why? What products and/or services does it provide? What does it need to grow? Task 1 is not merely an introduction. The proposed solutions need to be made clear throughout the presentation.

Task 2: The CIO must evaluate and execute the competitive strategy in light of your organization’s information requirements and objectives. Information is a huge intangible asset to your business. The CIO is accountable for the effective use of business information and technology.

Task 3: Value in a business context is particularly important. Your value needs to be classified in terms of level and type as explained in class.

Task 4: To analyze is to disaggregate, or to break down into relevant parts, in order better to understand an issue and therefore explain it convincingly. You should be able to demonstrate this with your application of the balanced scorecard to manage organizational performance.

Task 5: Your customers and customer relationships are vital sources of business value. Investment in gamification and supporting BIS should positively influence your downstream marketing, promotion, and sales processes. Show your understanding of the relationship between gamification and CRM here.

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