The rationale for the project, clear description of the  subject of interest and gap in knowledge, project objectives: Education Thesis, KU, UK

University Kingston University(KU)
Subject Education
  • Question 1:  Project summary and objectives

The rationale for the project, clear description of the  subject of interest and gap in knowledge, project objectives, and research questions

  • Question 2: Literature review
  1. Positioning of the project in a relevant subject area of literature.
  2. A critical review of the literature, theories, and existing models that this project will draw on to address the problem and need(s) is presented
  3. Demonstration of in-depth knowledge and understanding of the theories relevant to this project and a chosen field of education.
  • Question 3:  Research design and Ethics

Proposed methodology for this project. Outline of the adopted approach, methods for data collection, and analysis. Also, highlight key ethical considerations for executing the project.

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