The section which explains briefly what ontology and epistemology are and articulates where you stand: Research Skill Assignment, UOL, UK

University University of London (UOL)
Subject Research skills

Your research methodology. This should be well-referenced and have the following, but the order is up to you

    1.  the section which explains briefly what ontology and epistemology are and articulates where you stand and why (you don’t normally have this in a research proposal, but it’s part of the module assessment, which is why we’ve asked for it here)
    2. A description of the broad approach you have chosen (which will link to a.) e.g. mixed methods, interpretivism etc, and why you think this is a good choice for your research. If appropriate, a description about the more precise approach you’ve chosen, e.g. action research, case study etc, and an exploration of its benefits and drawbacks.
    3. Who exactly your participants will be, how you will access them, how you will select them, why they might agree to participate.
    4. Details, with an acknowledgment, that this may change, about what methods you are going to use and how you are going to use them, along with an explanation about why you’ve chosen those methods, what their potential shortcomings are, how you might overcome these, etc
    5. How you will ensure that your research is reliable and valid, or trustworthy (this needs to be a thoughtful, thorough, and well-referenced section)

Ethical issues. What do you see as the key ethical issues and how do you intend to address them.

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