The UK government has mounted one of the most aggressive economic responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: Business Management Assignment, AU, UK

University Arden University (AU)
Subject Business Management

Assignment Task

This assignment is worth 100% of the total marks for the module.

Apply for a start-up loan for your business

The UK government has mounted one of the most aggressive economic responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. pledging billions of pounds to support businesses and Start-Ups through the crisis. The UK government has pledged the equivalent of 8.5% of GDP towards fighting the crisis. Much of the spending is going towards supporting businesses.

Considering the above. a government-backed Start Up loan of BOO to (25.000 to start or grow businesses was Introduced. Unlike a business loan, this is an unsecured personal loan. You are considering a career as an entrepreneur and you are aware of the current opportunities, hence your decision to start your own business.

To help you develop your ideas further to create a viable business start-up. address the following questions:

Question One:

a) Construct a table to show the various legal statuses of businesses (such as PLC. LTD. Registered Charity etc) that your business may adopt Identify the relative strengths and weaknesses of these legal statuses.

b) Considering your business idea. identify and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of THREE sources of finance available to your business start-up.

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