Understand person-centred approaches utilized in health and social care: Person-centred Approaches in Health and Social Care Settings Coursework, UD, UK

University University Of Derby (UD)
Subject Person-centred Approaches in Health and Social Care Settings

Unit Aims

The aim of this unit is to provide learners with the knowledge and understanding required to implement and promote person-centred approaches. A person-centred approach is where the person is placed at the centre of the service and treated as a person first. The unit explores how the focus is on the person and what they can do, not their condition or disability.

Learning Outcomes – the learner will:

1. Understand person-centred approaches utilized in health and social care.
1.1 Define person-centred values
1.2 Explain how person-centred values underpin health and social care practice.
1.3 Explain how care plans are central when applying person-centred values.
1.4 Describe factors that contribute to the wellbeing of individuals.

2. Understand ways of working in a person-centred way.
2.1 Describe ways to understand individual preferences, wishes and needs.
2.2 Explain ways to put person-centred values into practice.
2.3 Review practice in response to an individual’s changing needs or preferences.

3. Understand the importance of establishing consent when
providing support.
3.1 Explain when an individual might be required to give consent.
3.2 Describe factors that influence the capability of an individual to give consent.
3.3 Establish consent for an activity or action.
3.4 Explain what steps to take if consent cannot be readily established.

4. Understand the importance of promoting active participation.
4.1 Explain the principle of active participation
4.2 Describe ways of ensuring active participation to meet individual’s needs.
4.3 Explain how to support an individual to agre.

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