The learner to show that they can manage and supervise a team and develop their performance in the health and social care: Team Management in Health and Social Care, Assignment, OBU, UK

Unit Aims The aim of this unit is for the learner to show that they can manage and supervise a team and develop their performance in the health and social care setting. The unit also explores recruit
| George Orwell | 27th May 2024

ENGR4035 Redesign the original system shown in Fig 9.1, so that it can operate a mains (240V RMS) table lamp: Electrical Engineering Assignment, OBU, UK

Part D: (20 %) Q7. Redesign the original system shown in Fig 9.1, so that it can operate a mains (240V RMS) table lamp. Simulate and explain the performance and limitations of the system. Discuss the
| George Orwell | 6th Feb 2024

ENGR4035 Redesign the system of Fig 9.1 using only digital logic gates for the active components such as: Electrical Engineering Assignment, OBU, UK

Part C: (15 %) Q6. Redesign the system of Fig 9.1 using only digital logic gates for the active components such as AND and OR etc (NOT a 555 timer chip), to flash the LED at 2Hz for a period of 5 sec
| George Orwell | 6th Feb 2024

ENGR4035 Redesign the delay timer system of Fig 9.1 using only discrete components (Eg. transistors: Basic Electrical Engineering Assignment, OBU, UK

Part B: (15%) Q5. Redesign the delay timer system of Fig 9.1 using only discrete components (Eg. transistors, capacitors and resistors etc, NOT integrated circuits), so your circuit should NOT includ
| George Orwell | 6th Feb 2024

ENGR4035 Simulate the system shown in Fig 9.1 using Multisim. Initially set the Variable voltage source VB=1.5V: Basic Electrical Engineering Assignment, OBU, UK

Part A: (30%) Simulate the system shown in Fig 9.1 using Multisim. Initially set the Variable voltage source VB=1.5V, and ‘open’ the switch and leave it ‘open’. Not an ‘open switch’ is no
| George Orwell | 6th Feb 2024

Explain the links between individual, team and organisational performance objectives: Team Management in Health and Social Care Assignment, OBU, UK

Explain the links between individual, team and organisational performance objectives. Explain factors that influence forward planning in a team. Explain how to identify areas of individual
| George Orwell | 9th Nov 2023

Prepare an information session for the new staff that discusses effective teamwork and establishing a positive culture at work: Team Management in Health and Social Care Assignment, OBU, UK

You are a manager working in a residential care home and have employed 3 new team leaders. They will support you in your day-to-day duties as well as manage the care team Staff. Prepare an informat
| George Orwell | 9th Nov 2023

Identify the skills and knowledge required to be a commissioner for well-being in the following areas: Commissioning Assignment, OBU, UK

Identify the skills and knowledge required to be a commissioner for well-being in the following areas. Market shaping and oversight, Workforce commissioning and workforce market shaping, Coproduction,
| George Orwell | 31st Mar 2023

STAT4002: This question uses the PULSE data that you used in Practical 2. a) Describe the type of each of the following variables. i. Pulse 1 ii. Ran iii. Activity: Basic Data Analysis Coursework, OBU, UK

Question 1 This question uses the PULSE data that you used in Practical 2. a) Describe the type of each of the following variables. i. Pulse 1 ii. Ran iii. Activity b) What is the mean wei
| George Orwell | 16th Nov 2022

Critically discuss the following statement by Anita Roddick with reference to the value paradox: Business Management Assignment, OBU, UK

Question. 1.  (a) Critically discuss the following statement by Anita Roddick with reference to the value paradox: “The business of business should not be about money, it should be about respons
| George Orwell | 22nd Jul 2022
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